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  • Use your powers to traverse the sprawling open world, a striking land of remarkable vistas and otherworldly creatures brought to life through stunning graphics and cutting-edge graphics technology.
  • Lead Frey on an unforgettable journey throughout Athia, helping the locals whilst also trying to find a way back home, Unravel the mysteries behind the calamitous break and her mysterious new powers.
  • With her unique circumstance the last remaining citizens of Athia begged her for her to help, she reluctantly agrees. She later learns that Athia was once controlled by powerful matriarchal sorcerers called Tanta’s, but a powerful blight cursed the land maddening animals and humans it affected, either by sheer luck or destiny for some reason she is not affected by it.

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    Step into the shoes of Frey Holland an average new yorker trying to survive in the city, until that is when she has whisked away with a portal to the breathtaking land of Athia additionally, a sentient magical bracelet has inexplicably found itself in her wrists allowing her to perform powerful spells. Forspoken is an action-adventure RPG primarily focused on fast-paced magic battles developed by the Japanese studio behind Final Fantasy XV, Luminous Productions.

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